Chase Inspired Dentistry

17 Besuche

723 E 12200 S, Suite 101, Draper, UT 84020, Vereinigte Staaten


Montag - Donnerstag : 08:00 - 16:30

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  • Cosmetic Dentist
  • Zahnklinik
  • Zahnarzt
Unternehmer Name: Dr. Chase Larsen


Smile Design Dentistry


A dental design smile is one that has undergone multiple types of treatments in a plan crafted specifically for that particular smile. If you have chipped or broken teeth, misshapen teeth, or even slightly crooked teeth, we can take care of all of these problems in one go—that’s what smile design does for your teeth.

Your unique needs will be met through a specific plan created just for you. The end result will be a beautiful, healthy, and flattering smile.

Our designer smiles help you not only get a visually stunning set of teeth, but also improve the function of your teeth. For instance, if your teeth are crooked and you have them straightened as part of your smile design procedure, you will be better able to chew food without unnecessary wear and tear your teeth would have had when crooked.

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Cosmetic Dentistry


Cosmetic dentistry refers to any type of dental work that improves the bite, gums, or appearance of teeth for a patient. We can use cosmetic treatments to improve the appearance of your teeth in tooth color, shape, size, and alignment—leading to the overall appearance of your smile.

Many things can affect how your teeth look and function: genetics, age, as well as experiences or mouth-related traumas throughout your life will affect the look and health of your teeth. What you eat and drink can even play a significant role in the appearance of your smile.

Cosmetic dentistry exists to fix any and all flaws—small or large—so that you can flaunt the perfect smile you’ve always wanted!

Our practice incorporates many different kinds of dentistry because we are here to serve you and all your varied and individual needs. It is highly important to us that patients of all ages are getting the treatment and attention they need.

At Chase Inspired Dentistry, we offer family and cosmetic dentistry to patients because we value your smile as much as you do. The family dentistry part means we focus on addressing the oral health of patients at all ages; the cosmetic dentistry element places emphasis on appearance. Here you can enjoy family cosmetic services for everyone in your family.

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Dental Implants


Dental implants are surgical components that interface with the bone of the jaw or of the skull. They support a dental prosthetic device on top such as a crown or bridge.

They are made up usually of three parts:

Implant Post: The post is the actual implant itself. It is a small, screw-shaped device that is placed below the surface of the gumline. It acts like the root of the tooth it is replacing, and it secures the next two components in place.
Abutment: The abutment is the piece needed to connect the implant to the dental restoration. It is a small, squat screw that attaches to the top of the fixture and secures the prosthetic at its other end.
Prosthetic: This final piece of the process goes on the top of the whole ensemble. It is often a crown that looks and will function just like a real tooth. It can also be a dental bridge or a set of full dentures. Whatever the restoration used, you won’t be able to feel a difference between it and your natural teeth.
Altogether, these pieces will give you a fully restored tooth—with all the health benefits and jaw support of natural teeth!

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Gummy Smile Treatment


It is fairly common for many patients to have too much gum tissue covering their teeth. This is what is known as a gummy smile, also commonly known as excessive gingival display.

And while a cute gummy smile can be adorable on a child just getting their teeth, it’s not necessarily something you want to have with you for the rest of your life as an adult or teenager.

Addressing a gummy smile through treatment involves a gum lift or a crown lengthening procedure. Both are designed to remove some of the gum tissue around your teeth. Following removal is reconstruction where the gum line is made higher, showing off more of your lovely teeth.

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Family Dentistry


When you’re a patient with us, you’re family! Everything from our office set-up and amenities to the services we provide are designed to make your experience with us comfortable and familiar.

We’re able to provide you with this kind of quality care because our patients are our number one priority! Your oral health is important to us. Our team takes great pride being trusted with your smile, and you can trust we will utilize the latest and greatest treatment options to get you the smile of your dreams.

We place unique emphasis on both cosmetic dental procedures as well as family and general dentistry. That’s because we have an understanding of the importance of building your smile from the ground up. You can’t have a healthy, beautifully stunning smile without first taking the steps to ensure your oral health is as perfect as it can be.

Chase Inspired Dentistry is your go-to practice for the highest quality family dental care in Draper, UT, and the surrounding areas.

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